Never used it. But visually it is a replica (form) of a female breast-like many other bottles. what looks unique about this is that the skin color bottom part, which might generate “warm, human touch” feeling that creates familiarity, comfort and trust for the users: parents and baby.
Shape is quite modern and simple which aesthetically attracts shoppers who seek minimalist products, which creates an instant target audience filter.
Function, looks mobile, easy to hold (by parent) but not by baby. Additional handle might serve better for baby’s grip purpose.
I hope my fist attempt helps 🙂
Good luck with the book.
My son barely uses bottles, despite my unending attempts. The Adiri bottle was one of many we tried on him. He rejected it at first sip and again at second, and third, and so on. Here are some pluses and minuses:
The bottle lid is huge, which isn’t so bad, because that makes it easier to find.
You can use the lid as large cup.
The bottle does not leak when feeding the baby (there is no hole between the milk and the nipple as there is in conventional bottles)
It’s BPA-free.
For me, the bottle’s silicone coating (that provides the human-touch) also makes it awkward to shut. It never feels properly closed.
If anything gooey gets in the “petals” near the base of the bottle, it takes forever to clean.
You cannot possibly “cross platforms”, that is, you cannot exchange a nipple from any standard bottle. This is a big hassle if you’re at a big gathering and need a different nipple after junior drops his bottle on the floor. Also, the bottle is big enough where you can’t keep spares…and there’s no such thing as a spare nipple here…because the nipple is the bottle.
Anyway, there were way too many negatives to ever try this bottle again.
This is all.
Going on Sukru’s point, sometimes babies are allowed to hold bottles. If the the bottle is too wide for the baby to hold, it might slip, fall on the baby’s face and may end up spilling milk or hurting them. I can’t judge it from this picture alone, however.
But the fact that is seems more like a human breast will help working women.
I always thought these things are becoming a thing of the past, since women prefer to actually breast feed their babies until they’re old enough to drink from a cup.
The Adiri bottle is an example of failed design. It is an attempt to mimic a natural system’s form, but it didn’t work when I tried to use it in my very unnatural life. There were practical failures that elicited a more important emotional failure.
First, you have to buy a separate cap to cover the vent on the bottom so you can warm the milk. if you don’t fix the warming cap on right, milk pours out into the hot water you use to warm the milk. The first time I had to throw away 6 ounces of breast milk felt terrible. The baby was crying, it was the middle of the night, and I had no idea the warming cap even existed. Another small piece of proprietary plastic crucial to the function of a product? What a terrible idea. And it isn’t included, so i have to make a second trip to the store to buy it? I got a newborn. Why am I running to the store twice?
Second, it is impossible to fill without spilling milk, even if you bring the gigantic cover/cup thing along. It might not be a lot of milk, but it was always some, no matter how mindful I was.
This is crucial because, over time, irritation turned to outright anger at the designers. Before our son was born, I loved the bottle, from the shape to the idea. It was breastlike, felt like skin. It made bottle feeding feel less alienating and industrial than the glass bottle with the odd looking nipple. It soothed some of the raw feelings this new parent had about the compromises forced on me by the modern world. I knew we couldn’t breast feed all the time, that I had to go to work and leave my boy and so did my wife. But we are doing everything we can. And at least the bottle is more natural looking.
And then it leaked breast milk every time I filled it. This was milk pumped at great inconvenience by my lovely wife, and it was just spilled out. At a certain point it came to me that whoever made this bottle thought the outside was more important than what I put in it. And its not. The simple glass bottle with a silicon cover and a strange looking nipple has never leaked. It is invisible to me as I feed my son. Perfect design. The Adiri bottle looks coldly fabulous, collecting dust on a shelf.
A “tat-for-tit” design probably driven by childless and/or narrow designers not doing their research … I wonder if the La Leche League was contacted because natural breast feeding is problematic for many nursing mothers … that simply mimicking a universal without paying attention to particulars is also leaving the gates open for the devil to get at the details.
“Not a big seller”, according to a matronly stocker at Babys-“R”-Us.
Like mixing in strawberry preserves with fresh berries … the closer designers mimic, the more noticeable and amplified is the distinction of “this ain’t it!” — There must be a design “approach-avoid” principle for this … akin to the Salvage Paradigm.
… but, the label says – “Designed with the help of doctors, moms and lactation consultants.” “The ultimate baby-bottle!”
Funny, the best selling bottle doesn’t make these claims.
The “Best!” baby bottle is the one your baby likes.
Hot and cold in the same time!
My 7 month old grandson loves the bottle. Not a problem with leaking bottles which all the other ones did. We just started using this one over Thanksgiving and he seems to like it much better.
After trying just about every bottle out there for my breastfed baby (I will be returning to work soon), she FINALLY took this bottle!! I had no problem filling it up and the only time it leaked was when I didn’t put the cap on tight enough. So I am not understanding all the negative reviews. Did they change the design or something???
I only bought one, so before I go out and purchase more, I am going to use it for a few weeks, to see how it holds up to daily use.
We love this bottle! No problem with it leaking, only when the lid wasn’t on correct did it leak. I’ve been mix feeding for good reasons and my son loves it. So far it’s been very durable and easy to clean. I need to find more but they are hard to get.
After two weeks and countless bottles, including all the “breast-like” models, the Adiri was the only bottle my 3-month old would take. This is my first day back to work and she just started to use this bottle two days ago, much to my great relief because it’s not like I could take her with me to work nor leave my breasts at home! The Adiri is a life saver.
Now…if I hadn’t been worried about nipple confusion and had started her out on bottles as a newborn, I definitely would have chosen a different bottle. Like previous reviewers said, the design is not good. But at least my baby won’t starve. I figure in a month or so, I will try her on a different bottle to see if she will switch to something less cumbersome.
Never used it. But visually it is a replica (form) of a female breast-like many other bottles. what looks unique about this is that the skin color bottom part, which might generate “warm, human touch” feeling that creates familiarity, comfort and trust for the users: parents and baby.
Shape is quite modern and simple which aesthetically attracts shoppers who seek minimalist products, which creates an instant target audience filter.
Function, looks mobile, easy to hold (by parent) but not by baby. Additional handle might serve better for baby’s grip purpose.
I hope my fist attempt helps 🙂
Good luck with the book.
My son barely uses bottles, despite my unending attempts. The Adiri bottle was one of many we tried on him. He rejected it at first sip and again at second, and third, and so on. Here are some pluses and minuses:
The bottle lid is huge, which isn’t so bad, because that makes it easier to find.
You can use the lid as large cup.
The bottle does not leak when feeding the baby (there is no hole between the milk and the nipple as there is in conventional bottles)
It’s BPA-free.
For me, the bottle’s silicone coating (that provides the human-touch) also makes it awkward to shut. It never feels properly closed.
If anything gooey gets in the “petals” near the base of the bottle, it takes forever to clean.
You cannot possibly “cross platforms”, that is, you cannot exchange a nipple from any standard bottle. This is a big hassle if you’re at a big gathering and need a different nipple after junior drops his bottle on the floor. Also, the bottle is big enough where you can’t keep spares…and there’s no such thing as a spare nipple here…because the nipple is the bottle.
Anyway, there were way too many negatives to ever try this bottle again.
This is all.
Going on Sukru’s point, sometimes babies are allowed to hold bottles. If the the bottle is too wide for the baby to hold, it might slip, fall on the baby’s face and may end up spilling milk or hurting them. I can’t judge it from this picture alone, however.
But the fact that is seems more like a human breast will help working women.
I always thought these things are becoming a thing of the past, since women prefer to actually breast feed their babies until they’re old enough to drink from a cup.
The Adiri bottle is an example of failed design. It is an attempt to mimic a natural system’s form, but it didn’t work when I tried to use it in my very unnatural life. There were practical failures that elicited a more important emotional failure.
First, you have to buy a separate cap to cover the vent on the bottom so you can warm the milk. if you don’t fix the warming cap on right, milk pours out into the hot water you use to warm the milk. The first time I had to throw away 6 ounces of breast milk felt terrible. The baby was crying, it was the middle of the night, and I had no idea the warming cap even existed. Another small piece of proprietary plastic crucial to the function of a product? What a terrible idea. And it isn’t included, so i have to make a second trip to the store to buy it? I got a newborn. Why am I running to the store twice?
Second, it is impossible to fill without spilling milk, even if you bring the gigantic cover/cup thing along. It might not be a lot of milk, but it was always some, no matter how mindful I was.
This is crucial because, over time, irritation turned to outright anger at the designers. Before our son was born, I loved the bottle, from the shape to the idea. It was breastlike, felt like skin. It made bottle feeding feel less alienating and industrial than the glass bottle with the odd looking nipple. It soothed some of the raw feelings this new parent had about the compromises forced on me by the modern world. I knew we couldn’t breast feed all the time, that I had to go to work and leave my boy and so did my wife. But we are doing everything we can. And at least the bottle is more natural looking.
And then it leaked breast milk every time I filled it. This was milk pumped at great inconvenience by my lovely wife, and it was just spilled out. At a certain point it came to me that whoever made this bottle thought the outside was more important than what I put in it. And its not. The simple glass bottle with a silicon cover and a strange looking nipple has never leaked. It is invisible to me as I feed my son. Perfect design. The Adiri bottle looks coldly fabulous, collecting dust on a shelf.
A “tat-for-tit” design probably driven by childless and/or narrow designers not doing their research … I wonder if the La Leche League was contacted because natural breast feeding is problematic for many nursing mothers … that simply mimicking a universal without paying attention to particulars is also leaving the gates open for the devil to get at the details.
“Not a big seller”, according to a matronly stocker at Babys-“R”-Us.
Like mixing in strawberry preserves with fresh berries … the closer designers mimic, the more noticeable and amplified is the distinction of “this ain’t it!” — There must be a design “approach-avoid” principle for this … akin to the Salvage Paradigm.
… but, the label says – “Designed with the help of doctors, moms and lactation consultants.” “The ultimate baby-bottle!”
Funny, the best selling bottle doesn’t make these claims.
The “Best!” baby bottle is the one your baby likes.
Hot and cold in the same time!
My 7 month old grandson loves the bottle. Not a problem with leaking bottles which all the other ones did. We just started using this one over Thanksgiving and he seems to like it much better.
After trying just about every bottle out there for my breastfed baby (I will be returning to work soon), she FINALLY took this bottle!! I had no problem filling it up and the only time it leaked was when I didn’t put the cap on tight enough. So I am not understanding all the negative reviews. Did they change the design or something???
I only bought one, so before I go out and purchase more, I am going to use it for a few weeks, to see how it holds up to daily use.
We love this bottle! No problem with it leaking, only when the lid wasn’t on correct did it leak. I’ve been mix feeding for good reasons and my son loves it. So far it’s been very durable and easy to clean. I need to find more but they are hard to get.
After two weeks and countless bottles, including all the “breast-like” models, the Adiri was the only bottle my 3-month old would take. This is my first day back to work and she just started to use this bottle two days ago, much to my great relief because it’s not like I could take her with me to work nor leave my breasts at home! The Adiri is a life saver.
Now…if I hadn’t been worried about nipple confusion and had started her out on bottles as a newborn, I definitely would have chosen a different bottle. Like previous reviewers said, the design is not good. But at least my baby won’t starve. I figure in a month or so, I will try her on a different bottle to see if she will switch to something less cumbersome.